Guidelines for Poster presentations
Posters will be exhibited during the whole period of the congress, and authors are invited to stay near the respective communications during the poster sessions.
The poster size should be 120 cm height x 80 cm wide. Each poster will be designated by a letter corresponding to the thematic area and a number (for example: a poster included in Symposium A - will be designated by A-x). The information concerning the numbers given to all the Abstracts will appear on the abstract book. The number will also be shown in the board where the poster will be displayed.
Specifications for Poster Presentations
- The poster should include at the top the abstract title, author names, and the institution(s) where the work was completed. The name of the presenting author should be underlined.
- The structure of the poster should include: a copy of the “Abstract” (in the upper left side of the poster), and the sections "Introduction”, “Methods”, “Results”, "Conclusions", “References”, and “Acknowledgments” to identify your poster layout.
Tips for Poster Preparation
- Posters should stimulate discussion. Therefore, keep text to a minimum, emphasize graphics and/or tables, and make sure every item in your poster is necessary.
- Use handouts to supplement your poster, whenever possible.
- Materials must be easily read at a distance of 1.20 m. As a rule of thumb, use a font size of at least 14 point and double space.
- Space your information proportionally: divide your poster either horizontally or vertically into three or four sections, and place your materials within those spaces.
- When choosing a background, remember that neutral or gray colors will be easier on the eyes than a bright color. In addition, color photos look best on a lighter background.
Guidelines for Oral presentations
Oral communications should be prepared using Power Point and should be tested in the computer available in the Conference Room, preferentially the day before the respective symposium. The authors have to bring a hard copy of the presentations in a CD or pen drive. The use of personal computers will not be possible.
The oral presentations will have 10 min length which will be strictly reinforced by the chairmans.
Specifications for oral presentations
Movies. We can only accept movies that have been created with standard compression codec's that are in use by Windows. Please be observant of the size of your video files. It is imperative that you check your movies in the Auditorium (if your presentation contains video files) before your oral presentation.
Pictures. Images inserted into PowerPoint are embedded into the presentation. Try to avoid overloading your presentation with unnecessary images.
Fonts. We can only supply fonts that are included in the base installation of Windows. Any font other than these will need to be embedded into your PowerPoint presentation. The fonts we suggest using are Times New Roman, Arial and Tahoma. Microsoft provides a utility that can tell you if a Font can be embedded.